May 3 – June 7,


Movie Making

May 3 – June 7, 2016

A multi-media class for kids who like to act, make movies and write stories. This 6-week after school program puts the camera in the students hand and allows them to be the creative directors of videos. Students work collaboratively to brainstorm ideas and themes for each project.


Session 1: Puppet Stage

May 3, 2016

In the first week of the Movie Making workshop, Olivia, Reese, Lucy and Hannah built a stage for a puppet show. They used scrap wood, drills, clamps and saws to construct the 8’x4′ stage and ladder. The puppet, Hermit the Toad, was made out of foam, fleece and felt by Tracy Brannstrom.


Session 2: Set Design and Make-up

May 10, 2016


Session 3: The Three Little Pigs

MAY 17, 2016


Session 4: Escape from the Zoo

May 31, 2016