September 5 - October 23, 2017


Sculpture Homeschool

September 5 - October 23, 2017

Homeschoolers worked with wood and recyclables to make large scale sculptures. They learned building skills and tool safety in each of the seven sessions by designing and building a pinball machine, tractor, roller coaster and trebuchet. 


Session 1: Roller Coaster

September 5, 2017

Our first project was to attempt to build a roller coaster. We started the morning by learning how to use drills safely and effectively. The group practiced changing drill bits, screwing boards together, removing screws and adjusting speed settings. They learned about the spotting for gaps in their connections and how to close them. The first step of the project gave them a lot of practice drilling together tracks made out of 2x4's and 2x3's.

The second half of the day was offered as a free build where each child had the option to choose their materials and to develop an approach to creating what they envisioned. A couple of the boys worked together to improve the roller coaster cart, while another pair made a sled out of plywood.

The rain stopped at the end of the day and allowed for another test run on the roller coaster track - this time with the newly improved cart.


Session 2: Pinball Machine

September 11, 2017


Session 3: Leaf Scooper

September 18, 2017


Session 4: Ropes Course

September 25, 2017


Session 5: Leaf Scooper 2

October 2, 2017


Session 6: Trebuchet

October 16, 2017


Session 7: Free build

October 23, 2017